Amsterdam Photos 阿姆斯特丹相片
Koukenhof Photos 庫肯霍夫相片
click photos for the links! 可以看相片看連結內容唷!
I received a " your photo has been short-listed for inclusion in the ninth edition of our Schmap Amsterdam Guide" message last month.
I was excited although I had no idea what Schmap was about. After i found out that Schmap is an on-line travel guide, i am very excited about being short-listed. Then I waited till December, I finally got their notification saying"
I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released ninth edition of our Schmap Amsterdam Guide."
Compare to the professionals, I am not good at photography, so it is very exciting to be chosen by a travel site that's getting popular. I read about some discussion saying that their action is a kind of "stealing" of flickr photos for their guides. Some photo owners are mad about that. But.. I don't know, I think I dont mind, afterall they give a notification in advance and it cost nothing, if you are not happy for being chosen you can simply remove your photo from their list. I like taking photos and am happy that more people can share some of the photos I have taken. This photo was taken in Keukenhof Garden near Amsterdam. It was a really old one I took in year 2003...Anyways...I am happy and looking at the photos i took in the garden reminds me a lot of lovely memories from my one-year happy time in Europe.
上個月我的flickr信箱收到一封"你的相片入圍Schmap第九版阿姆斯特丹導覽“ 的信我看到時很開心,雖然我當時不知Schmap是一個什麼樣的網站,後來了解後更讓我開心,因為Schmap是一個旅遊網站,所以有很多地圖導覽,我的相片如果被選上就會刊登在導覽上,我google了一下發現有不少人都有被選中過,當然也有被選中的人覺得相片是被偷了,不過我想我自己雖然不是很會照相,但我很喜歡照相,能夠被選到也覺得很開心,況且總編輯要用相片都會先給一個通知,如果不喜歡相片被拿去用可以拒絕他們的使用,不過這也是Schmap的另類行銷廣告吧,用你的相片,你就會知道他們的網站,順便幫他們打廣告,哈哈,被選中的這張是很久以前我在阿姆斯特丹附近的庫肯霍夫鬱金香花園拍的,再回去看看舊像片又讓我想起那一年在比利時快樂的時光......
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